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Renewable Generation
Enel, our vision for energy access and electrification by 2030 and the United Nations High-Level Dialogue on Energy

Enel is one of the organizations that participated in the UN High Level Dialogue on Energy, the first UN summit in more than 40 years dedicated exclusively to energy. The virtual event brought together heads of state and other political leaders, business leaders and civil society, who presented their Energy Compact, a series of voluntary commitments aimed at accelerating the achievement of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7: ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all,  and achieving net zero emissions.

In line with this commitment, Enel Chile continues with its growth plan, adding 1.5 GW of renewable energy by 2026, compared to 2023.

SAIDI 2023
Charging Points1(1)
Smart Lighting

(1) Enel X Chile public and private charging points.


Demand Response
Heating Replacement(1)

(1) Accumulated numbers.

Today our focus is on recognizing, satisfying and anticipating the needs of customers by understanding their context, behaviors, feelings, concerns and expectations regarding your relationship with them. That is why Enel Chile is promoting the digitization of its customers, and carrying out different initiatives to improve their experience. This includes, for example, websites, applications, email, social networks and WhatsApp as a means of customer service.

In payments, the Company continues to promote a comprehensive set of payment channels, including various digital and face-to-face options.

Urban transport: Enel X in Chile

The arrival of 10 double-decker electric buses in Chile makes the future of public transportation in the country promising, as the latest tenders show the incorporation of more and new electric buses to the system. A significant step, which puts Chile and Enel X back in the world spotlight, is the incorporation of 10 electric double-decker buses in the public transport service of the Metropolitan Region. 

These vehicles, which arrive for the first time in Chile, comply with the RED standard, offering comforts such as air conditioning, wifi and USB connectors, in addition to having a capacity to transport up to 112 people. Undoubtedly, the incorporation of these new buses in the transportation system marks a milestone in the country's electromobility path.

Electric Buses(1)(2) +11.9%

(1) Accumulated numbers.

(2) Considers electric buses supplied, managed and served by Enel X Chile.