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We have implemented a support and conversion strategy for suppliers that provided services at thermal power plants.   

That is why, through the "New Business Opportunities (Scouting)" initiative, we identify and evaluate these potential new suppliers interested in providing services or supplies for Enel's strategic families in Chile, as well as expanding opportunities for new businesses. to existing suppliers that have the appropriate competencies to provide service to Enel.

  • Work with local communities through a multi-stakeholder approach to promote shared value creation throughout the project;
  • Guarantee the protection of the environment;
  • Maximize the reuse of dismantled infrastructure, in accordance with the principles of the circular economy;
  • Contribute to the shared goals of our Group by looking for new projects.

We are committed to the development of projects with local communities, which allows us to promote the progress of the territories where we have a presence. Among the co-designed projects, those focused on the expansion of infrastructure, education and training, social inclusion and support for local culture stand out.

This is how we have set ourselves the goal for 2024-2030 to achieve 938 thousand beneficiaries of quality education projects (SDG 4), universal access to clean energy projects (SDG 7) and projects to promote decent work and lasting economic growth, inclusive and sustainable (SDG 8).

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