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Health and Safety
Δ 26-23
Accident Rate
-0.05 p.p.
Rate of Occupational Diseases
0 p.p.

We are committed to developing and promoting a strong safety culture that ensures a risk-free workplace for all those who work with and for the Enel Group.

Ensuring the health and safety of our people is a responsibility we all share.

Gender Equality
Δ 26-23
% of female managers
2 p.p
% of female middle managers
3 p.p.

We are committed to building an inclusive work environment that values diversity and uniqueness.

We are incorporating women into Management Succession Plans in order to increase the representation of women in senior management positions within the Company.

The Enel Group, in February 2021, confirmed its commitment to gender equality, by joining the "Equal to 30" campaign, an initiative by which various international organizations commit to promoting gender equality in wages, among leadership, and in opportunities by 2030 within the clean energy sector.

We have committed to increasing the number of women in managerial positions to 19% of all managerial positions and to 25% of middle managers by 2026.

We are committed to fostering individual development through an ever-increasing range of training to ensure that People are continuously trained and competitive; learning new skills and optimizing performance in the face of new demands.

The rapid and continuous evolution of our business has resulted in the need for new technical and professional skills and has led to the natural obsolescence of others. Within this panorama,  We are committed to increasing the average number of training hours per employee per year with emphasis on the core pillars of our development strategy:

  • continuous learning, to ensure that our people stay competitive and up-to-date;
  • reskilling,  aimed at learning new skills to fill new roles and fill new positions;
  • upskilling, in order to optimize performance in the face of changing needs.
Our strategy aims to decarbonize and electrify the consumption of our customers by creating value for all stakeholders