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The strategic pillars and value proposition of Enel Chile are the following:

Resilience, flexibility and value generation: Optimize selective capital allocation, strengthening its resilience and flexibility.

Efficiency and effectiveness: Drive excellence, efficiency and effective response of your assets

Financial and environmental sustainability: Pursue value creation and financial strength while addressing climate challenges.

Generation business

Rebalance the portfolio to diversify and have a better risk-return profile in a new market context. Therefore, several initiatives continue to be developed to build a solid, resilient, flexible and profitable portfolio, among which the following stand out:

  • Integrated offer approach (beyond commodities).
  • Diversified and selective source location and technologies
  • Leverage partnerships (retain control and improve performance).
  • Balance the portfolio by eliminating risks (commodities materials and energy).
Projected energy sales by 2026
of the energy sold in 2026 will come from the free market
US$ 1.9
Total investments in generation 2024 - 2026
Net installed capacity by the end of 2026

Distribution business

Continue remodeling network operation, seeking additional efficiencies with a more constructive vision. Therefore, several initiatives continue to be developed to build an effective and efficient portfolio to continue supporting electrification.

  • Continue working with authorities to update the regulatory framework.
  • Investments tied up on quality, resiliency and profitability.
  • Customers digital and self-service system.
  • Effective customer communication channels.
CAPEX aimed at guaranteeing new connections, remodeling networks, focusing on quality and digitalization.
End users by 2026

Consolidated investment plan 2024-2026

According to its investment plan, Enel Chile will allocate around 2.3 billion dollars to the period 2024-2026. Continuing with its strategy started a few years ago, this investment will focus mainly on the generation business through renewable development, strengthening the profitability of its commercial strategy.

Most projects will be delivered through a partnership to continue driving decarbonization while maintaining a comfortable and healthy financial position.

The Company will allocate more than 300 million dollars to continue improving its networks, its quality of service and resilience, and its wide range of products and services, increasingly in line with the evolution of its customers' needs.